姓名 |
李海笑 |
性别 |
男 |

学历 |
研究生 |
职称 |
副教授 |
学位 |
博士 |
电子邮箱 |
lihaixiao.juven@outlook.com |
本科毕业于武汉大学环境科学与工程学院,硕士就读于法国里尔一大地球科学专业,2012年获选法国北加莱省及巴西米纳斯吉拉斯省联合资助的访学项目,前往巴西欧罗普列托大学进行重金属超富集植物研究。后获选法国波尔多大学和加拿大拉瓦尔大学联合培养博士,主修土壤环境科学方向。于2017-2018在加拿大农业及农业食品部(AAFC)魁北克研究中心Noura Ziadi教授课题组进行博士后工作;出站回国后于2018-2021年在南开大学任助理研究员(师资博士后)。主持或参与国家或省部级科研项目3项,其中于2021年获得国家自然科学基金青年项目(42107013)支持。先后于Science of the Total Environment、Geoderma等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。主要研究方向为:土壤及植物交互系统、土壤重金属污染、土壤面源污染控制、生物质回用技术及环境微塑料污染。
2012/09-2013/09 土壤污染高级研究学位,法国里尔一大
2010/09-2012/06 地球科学硕士学位,法国里尔一大(成绩排名 1/31)
2006/09-2010/06 环境工程学士学位,武汉大学
Li,H., and Liu L., 2021. Short-term effects of polyethene and polypropylene microplastics on soil phosphorus and nitrogen availability. Chemosphere 132984.
Li, H., Li, Y., Xu, Y., Lu, X., 2020. Biochar phosphorus fertilizer effects on soil phosphorus availability. Chemosphere 244, 125471.
Li, H., Lu, X., Wang, S., Zheng, B., Xu, Y., 2021. Vertical migration of microplastics along soil profile under different crop root systems. Environmental Pollution 278, 116833.
Li, H., Lu, X., Xu, Y., Liu, H., 2019a. How close is artificial biochar aging to natural biochar aging in fields? A meta-analysis. Geoderma 352, 96–103.
Li, H., Mollier, A., Ziadi, N., Messiga, A.J., Shi, Y., Pellerin, S., Parent, L.-É., Morel, C., 2019b. Long-term modeling of phosphorus spatial distribution in the no-tilled soil profile. Soil and Tillage Research 187, 119–134.
Li, H., Mollier, A., Ziadi, N., Shi, Y., Parent, L.-É., Morel, C., 2017. Soybean root traits after 24 years of different soil tillage and mineral phosphorus fertilization management. Soil and Tillage Research 165, 258–267.
Li, H., Mollier, A., Ziadi, N., Shi, Y., Parent, L.-É., Morel, C., 2016. The long-term effects of tillage practice and phosphorus fertilization on the distribution and morphology of corn root. Plant and Soil 1–18.
Chen, W.,Li, H., 2018. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Soil Heavy Metal Contamination Treatments. Water Air & Soil Pollution 229, 126.(通讯作者)
Li, Y.,Li, H., Lu, X., 2021. Effect of biochar applications on soil phosphorus availability under different soil moisture levels. Can. J. Soil. Sci. (通讯作者)
Ma, X.,Li, H., Xu, Y., Liu, C., 2021. Effects of organic fertilizers via quick artificial decomposition on crop growth. Scientific Reports 11, 3900.(通讯作者)
Xie, J., Xu, Y.,Li, H., 2020. Environmental impact of express food delivery in China: the role of personal consumption choice. Environ Dev Sustain.(通讯作者)
Mo, X.,Li, H., Lian, Y., Zheng, B., Dong, J., Lu, X., 2021. Estimation of soil microplastic input derived from plastic gauze using a simplified model. Science of The Total Environment 793, 148577.(共同一作)
Lu, X., Vogt, R.D.,Li, Haixiao, Han, S., Mo, X., Zhang, Y., Ullah, S., Chen, C., Han, X., Li, Hongyuan, Seip, H.M., 2019. China’s ineffective plastic solution to haze. Science 364, 1145.
Schettini, A.T., Leite, M.G., Messias, M.C.T., Gauthier, A.,Li, H., Kozovits, A.R., 2017. Exploring Al, Mn and Fe phytoextraction in 27 ferruginous rocky outcrops plant species. Flora.
Wei, L.,Li, H., Lu, J., 2020. Algae-induced photodegradation of antibiotics: a review. Environmental Pollution 115589.
Wen, G., Cambouris, A.N., Bertrand, A., Ziadi, N.,Li, H., Khelifi, M., 2019. Nitrogen fertilization effects on the leaf chemical concentrations in Russet Burbank potato. Field Crops Research 232, 40–48.
Xie, J.,Li, H., Wang, S., Chen, H., Jiang, W., Zhang, L., Wang, L., Wu, Y., Li, L., Lu, X., 2022. Removal and fate of carbamazepine in the microbial fuel cell coupled constructed wetland system. Environmental Engineering Research 27.
Yu, M.,Li, H., Xie, J., Xu, Y., Lu, X., 2021. A descriptive and comparative analysis on the adsorption of PPCPs by molecularly imprinted polymers. Talanta 122875.
Zhang, X.,Li, H., Li, M., Wen, G., Hu, Z., 2019. Influence of individual and combined application of biochar, Bacillus megaterium, and phosphatase on phosphorus availability in calcareous soil. J Soils Sediments.
Zhang, X., Lu, X.,Li, H., 2021. Isolation and identification of a novel allelochemical from Ruppia maritima extract against the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa. Environmental Technology & Innovation 21, 101301.
张欣,卢学强,李玉鑫,周佳莹,李海笑,谢静怡, 2020.菹草对普通小球藻和铜绿微囊藻的化感作用.中国给水排水v.36;No.507, 76–81.
谢静怡,卢学强,李海笑, 2020.人工湿地型微生物燃料电池研究进展述评.安全与环境学报20, 206–215.